Boréal Innovation
FranceCooperative Boréal Innovation is dedicated to strengthening the entrepreneurial culture, creativity and innovation in communication, multimedia and digital sectors. It is established in regions Provence Alpes Cote d’Azur, Corsica, French Guyana and Guadeloupe.
Boréal Innovation ambition is to encourage emergence of entrepreneurs with growth potential and employment in the digital sector: we enable them to test economic feasibility of their project while being responsible of their own activity and learning what is an entrepreneur.
Therefore, we are a supportive incubator, offering personalized support, an insurance cover, legal accommodation, administrative and accounting, training and workshops … all in an environment conducive to the transfer and exchange of experiences between entrepreneurs in the community. This social and economic innovation ensures reversibility and easy access to business creation.
Boréal Innovation has two departments:
- “Boreal Development” welcomes all project holders. We ensure that entrepreneurs undertake to develop social innovation (human resources, management, recruitment, product life cycles, circular economy …)
- “In’Boréal” supports nascent entrepreneurs in the field of communication, digital and multimedia sectors (graphic, designer, developer, e-commerce …).
Boréal Innovation activity includes a coaching programme to develop specific social skills needed by managers : tasks execution; to take personal initiatives; to anticipate and respond effectively to change; to accept cultural and social differences; leadership; to manage one’s own emotions; to negotiate with others; to learn new things/ be interested in innovations; to manage time efficiently, to know how to develop strategies,…
More generally, activities are related to:
- coaching for creation and recovery of economic activity;
- implementation of a transitional phase of testing an economic activity (6-18 months);
- monitoring of individual activity during test phase (counselling accounting, advance management, implementation of research funding…);
- follow-up after creation by the entrepreneur;
- test of activity: business incubator;
- funding of social and solidarity economy.

Ballybeen Women's Centre
United KingdomFor the past 34 years Ballybeen Women’s Centre (BWC) has been developing and delivering quality services in an area of low and weak community infrastructure and objectively defined as disadvantaged. The Centre has developed a service delivery model that enables individuals and families to access a range of services and support in one location. The Centre provides support to other community groups in the area and has been a catalyst for community development and capacity building. The Centre facilitates women and young people to embark on community development and leadership programmes that enable them to contribute to social, economic and political changes on a local, regional, national and international basis.
BWC plays an active role in the Women’s Sector in Northern Ireland and has vast experience of lobbying to challenge inequality and promote positive policy change.
BWC has developed a number of core areas of work:
- Education and Training
- Childcare and Family Support
- Health Promotion and Education
- Peer Education Project for Young people
- Culture and Diversity
- Support and Advice
BWC has participated in numerous partnerships and projects on a regional, national, European and international basis and has a high degree of expertise in the management of such projects. BWC has expert personnel with wide ranging experience in project management, transnational collaborative working, undertaking needs assessment and designing and developing innovative projects and programmes. BWC has managed projects that promote intercultural dialogue and promote social inclusion and active citizenship at a national and EU level.

PortugalThe RIGHTCHALLENGE Association is a non-governmental organization which aims at the promotion of education, training, culture and sport as a means of social inclusion and equal opportunities. One of our strength’s is our interdisciplinary approach and ability to bring together sectors and disciplines in ways that are meaningful and with the potential to bring about change. Our activities in the education field include early childhood, primary, secondary, higher, Vocational Education & Training, and professional education. In those levels Rightchallenge Association provides a wide range of services such as:
- Human Resources development and capacity building in the fields of education, VET, labour and employment.
- Civil Society Education and lifelong learning, policy analysis, strategic planning, institution building.
- Planning, organization & realization of training programs for youth and adults.
- Training teachers and trainers and the community in general.
- Research in the labour market: employment promotion, gender issues, diversity management, youth in the labour market, active employment measures.
- Migration, Integration, and Social Justice: Social Inclusion, migration, integration of marginalized groups, peace, and development education.
- Socio-economic development, competitiveness and entrepreneurship: Local and regional development planning, SME development, competitiveness and entrepreneurship, policy analysis, creativity, innovation and strategic visioning infusing innovation across sectors and supporting entrepreneurship.
- Curriculum development With a core team of qualified learning designers we engage in curriculum design and development in a variety of sectors both for Face-to-Face and Online Environments.
- Energy, environment and sustainable development: Energy sectors and competency mapping, environmental education, campaigning and awareness raising, and sustainable development.
- Monitoring, evaluation, and needs assessment: Proper monitoring and evaluation are essential for the successful completion of projects.
- Dissemination and exploitation of projects and results: Rightchallenge is specialised in disseminate information about projects and their outcomes to a broad community of interested parties.

Centre for Community Organizing Northern Moravia
Czech RepublicCentre for Community Organizing is a non-profit organisation established in 1996. It currently consists of six local agencies covering the whole of the Czech Republic: Southern Bohemia, Western Bohemia, Central Bohemia, Eastern Moravia, Central Moravia and Northern Moravia. These agencies are independent legal entities fully responsible for their activities. Individual local agencies cooperate in implementing trans-regional and international projects.
We provide services to clients from public administration, civic organizations and business sector in the following areas:
Participation of the public and civic organisations in municipal and regional development. We deliver programmes of public participation in investment planning and decision-making. We organise involvement of the public in planning and designing of public areas, preparation of development strategies and other kinds of investment. We provide public discussions, interactive exhibitions, surveys, sociological inquiries and workshops with local residents. We provide education programmes for public administration clerks in the area of public involvement.
Local sustainable development
We provide consultation services for preparation of projects focused on local social-economic development. We elaborate and update micro-region, municipal and regional development strategies. We assist in designing local development projects and activities focused on disadvantaged groups of people. We cooperate with local partners (public administration, businesses and NGOs), which enables us to maximally adapt the projects to the local conditions.
Regional EU policy and regional development of the CR
We promote principles of partnership and transparent decision-making in preparation and usage of the Structural Funds. We take part in discussing regional policies, we deliver joint suggestions and approaches.
Education, support and empowerment for NGOs
We support and train members of NGOs at all levels. We work with volunteers, organise seminars and education courses. We promote NGO cooperation.

Spektrum Educational Centre
RomaniaThe Spektrum Educational Centre was established in 1996 on the initiative of the Foundation for an Open Society. This nongovernmental organization, which had had a separate legal personality since 1998, became a self-sustaining NGO in 2001, and it has changed its name to Spektrum Educational Centre in 2016. As a self-sustaining, dynamic organization that is open to cooperation, our aim is to offer a wide range of formal and informal trainings to the organizations wishing to develop in the region, and also to those wishing to learn without age limits.
Our Centre guarantees the high-level mastery of skills, which are essential in most professions and life situations. Among these ‘transversal’ skills, language competences are of utmost importance. We offer language courses, from the beginner to advanced levels in effective small groups and individual lessons as well in ENGLISH, GERMAN, ROMANIAN, FRENCH, ITALIAN, SPANISH, HUNGARIAN, and CHINESE. In addition to general language teaching, we offer the opportunity to learn business terminology and to acquire international language exam certificates. Within the framework of our educational development projects we are searching for effective ways and means to prepare the region’s workforce for the rapid economic changes and encourage entrepreneurship.
During conducting training programs we seek cooperation with local businesses, institutions, non-governmental organizations, communities and local organizations.
We also take part in education, training-related research, contribute to publications, and publishing of books as well.

AcrossLimits Ltd
MaltaAcrossLimits is a dynamic Maltese technology research and consulting SME with its roots firmly derived from the innovation and ICT sectors. In fact its core business is still centred around the areas of IT-based solutions for business and social purposes. Our mission statement is: “Innovation for solving tomorrow’s challenges”
The company was established in June 2001 as a limited liability company. In the last years, AcrossLimits has diversified and now is made up of three main divisions, namely Technology, European Projects and Training.
Our Technology division works hands on software development, web applications, mobile apps and social media. Moreover we offer expert support on how ICT can be used strategically to improve a business and help it revolutionise its business model.
AcrossLimits has been participating directly and helping other organisations to benefit from EU funded projects for over 15 years. Our expertise varies from innovation research projects to development projects focusing on eLearning, Entrepreneurship, eHealth and Digital Culture. We offer sustainability consultancy, project management, dissemination, project proposal writing support and assistance on taking research results to market.
TrainingMalta.com is our AcrossLimits training centre offering short professional and personal development courses. We are a licensed Further Educational establishment under the Ministry of Education of Malta, and our short courses span from ISO Quality Management, Digital Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Robotics and use of Technology in Education. Book your course online now on www.trainingmalta.com.